Roof Insulation Installation — The Best Method Explained
Roof Insulation or roof thermal barriers help us in many ways to keep the heat within our homes during cold winters. Also, it helps us to prevent unnecessary heat gains during boiling summers. Well, people invested money in insulation products since the 30s. When people were looking for a long-term fix to fight winter cold and summer heat, a group of experts came up with this long-term solution. Since then, the insulation industry has changed a lot to what it is today. Of course, this industry is further developing; hence we will come across more and more fabulous products in the future. Roof Insulation installation; the highlight of today's article is one of the most-talk topics in today's world. As a homeowner, can I tackle the task myself, or should I contact the professional installers? Many homeowners ask this question from us via online question forms and over the phone. Here is our answer for you.
DIY Roof Insulation Installation
When considering safety, all homeowners can DIY insulation installation today. Modern products that are available on the market are 100% free from asbestos; hence they are pretty safe to handle by yourself. Anyway, you better be careful when dealing with fiberglass batts or other insulation types. For example, even though fiberglass Roof Insulation won't cause you cancer; it can cause a few nasty health issues when not handled properly. Fiberglass pieces can get into your skin and cause irritations and allergy reactions. Breathing of these small particles can cause breathing difficulties. So, if you are a homeowner who is planning to install Roof Insulation yourself, which is OK; do it carefully by wearing protective clothing such as gloves, a mask, and other protective clothing that will cover your whole body.
Cellulose Roof Insulation is the safest product in terms of health issues that it can cause. Since it is made of recycled papers, nothing other than breathing difficulties could happen. So, you can safely tackle this task by wearing a mask for extra safety. Unfortunately, the real scenario is complicated than this. What about the old insulation you have installed on your roof? Is your current home from the 30s, 40s, or 50s? As mentioned, insulation products from those decades surely came with traces of asbestos. So, if you only consider the fact that modern insulation products are 100% free from asbestos; hence you remove the old layer by yourself; you can become asbestosis sufferer, which is a serious health condition that can even end your life! As experts in the thermal barrier industry, we don't want any homeowner to become a patient of such life-threatening health conditions.

OK, you confirmed that your old insulation is contaminated with asbestos, and what's next? Now, comes the most challenging part. The Australian government is pretty strict about the disposal of asbestos and contaminated materials with it. Also, most insulation service providers don't provide asbestos removal services as only licensed service providers can do it according to the law. Well, what do you understand by all these facts? Unfortunately, you will have to spend more money to get rid of old Roof Insulation that may have traces of asbestos. Don't even enter the attic yourself and inspect for asbestos presence in insulation yourself. You can hire an expert investigator from the insulation industry or hire a home inspector. These are the experts that can safely confirm the asbestos presence for you.
Installing Roof Insulation
OK, your old insulation is 100% free from asbestos and new insulation too for sure. So, can you DIY it? Well, yes, you can do it yourself by considering the fact that both the thermal barriers are 100% free from dangerous contaminants. Still, as a homeowner who doesn't have a clue of accurate insulation; you can make several mistakes. Yes, this is a top reason for many homeowners to get fed up with their thermal barrier. I spent $1000 on new insulation, but still, we suffer from frequent temperature fluctuations. When we go and inspect their Roof Insulation, we notice a lot of mistakes made by the homeowner. For example, installing the new thermal barrier over the old one. Roof leaks have caused water ingress. Or, the homeowner has left gaps between the batts. Well, it is not the fault of the homeowner, but he/she doesn't know the subject when compared to professional installers. You getting it wrong in the first time and calling the experts once everything becomes a big mess is a big mistake. In other words, if you are not 100% sure of perfect Roof Insulation installation; don't tackle it yourself and waste your time and money in the long run. Instead, hire a professional installer in the first hand and live a stress-free life.
Is hiring professional installers expensive?
Well, this could be the reason behind your hesitation to call the experts in the insulation industry. Anyway, we have already explained to you the ways that you can mess it up by DIY. Also, if your old insulation is contaminated with asbestos; unfortunately, you will have to spend quite a lot of money on insulation removal and replacement. Again, is hiring professional installers a costly option? The answer is a big No. From choosing the best thermal barrier for your home to the disposal of asbestos-contaminated old insulation, these experts do all at pretty affordable rates today. No mistakes, no time wastes, no money wastes. In other words, Roof Insulation professional installers always do a perfect job; hence your time and money saved in the long run. It's not about saving money; also, peace of mind. A quick tip: ask as much as questions from the professional thermal barrier installer. These experts are ready to answer all customers' questions. Also, you should listen to what they say. For example, as the homeowner; you may want to install batt Roof Insulation on your home. But, it may not be the best option as your roof is hindered by structural elements that run everywhere. In this case, the professional installer who visits your home for the initial inspection may suggest you blown-in insulation. Would you still say that, no I want batt insulation on my roof? You better listen to what these experts say!
Some final words
So, we have explained in detail the advantages of hiring professional installers for Roof Insulation installation and disadvantages of DIY. Never think that you can save money by doing it yourself. Also, doing it yourself when asbestos is present in insulation is putting your whole life at risk for the sake of saving money. Call us for more information on Roof Insulation and the services we provide! We are here for your help!